Monday, September 28, 2009

Tjeko at Euro Attractions Show in Amsterdam

It's been a milestone we've been working towards! This coming Wednesday we have been given a change to present Afirca's first social-profit fun park!
We've been featured on the website of

Now - nobody know us - nobody might even find us on this big convention. But we've printed a boat-load of stuff - and we're just going with a lot of excitiement! Somebody will be infected with the Tjeko - virus. ]

Look at our entrance! Welcome to Tjeko Fun Village!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Tjeko logo!

Here it is! Special thanks to Ben Podbury! What an artist. Bro - it captures the feeling behind our initiative, and behind our Enterprise!

Presenting: The official Tjeko Fun Village logo...

design by: Big Picture Creations

You are looking at the 'tree-house' village, the heart of our park. This is where Tjeko, Tjeka and the other caracters play, imagine and have fun! Kids can enjoy every hut, on the ground and in the air! In every hut there's something else to do! Never boring - always Fun!
The lettertype is choisen on purpost. Our guys are not your typical cartoons, and they need a bit of a 'modern' feel! Lover every detail of it - I am proud! Please know... there is more to come!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

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A Ugandan visit to some dutch parks

A few weeks ago Bosco Mukiibi and myself went to visit 2 family amusement parks in the Netherlands. They were carefully selected among the hundreds (!) of parks and initiatives around the country. We wanted to visit parks that have elements we can take to Uganda. Of course the real big parks are nice, and we can learn lots from them, but the smaller parks give better examples of what we could actually achieve in Uganda. Hans van Leeuwen of helped us pick two parks in Apeldoorn: FamilyFunPark Koniningin Wilhelmina Toren and Children Paradise Malkensloten. Both parks have complete different themes and concepts. One park works with a mouse who lives in 'the tower', the other park uses a piggy who has fun on the farm. They both focus on children, but both from different angles.
Bosco said it well: In Koningin Juliana Toren, there were many attractions with an on/off switch. Great for the 'thrills', but they don't really get children 'active'. Malkensloten on the other hand has many 'do-it-yourself' activities, and is low on the 'thrills'. We both agree that both parks have elements we want to try in Uganda. In Tjeko FunVillage there will be 'thrills' and 'do-it-yourself' activities in a themed world.
It was great fun to see these parks through the eyes of somebody that has not been exposed to many parks before. We wrote down many ideas, do's and don'ts and other practical tips. It was an amazing experience and we want to thank both parks for their co-operation