I started telling him our plans for Tjeko, showed him the amazing stuff Ben P did so far (www.bigpicturecreations.net ) and explained some of the things we want to do with the park. I had asked him to be critical with me - and thank God he was!
He liked the idea of Tjeko in Uganda a lot, but at the same time had some serious critic on what I was showing him so far. Not a totally clear, sharp and complete idea, but a lot of 'what if's' and 'we might’s'. Not good. So we're going to change that now! Thing is, I KNOW REAL WELL WHAT I WANT. Just thought it's sometimes better to leave stuff in the middle. Guess not! SO - here's the kicker! He offered us a booth of 3 meters on the 'Euro Attraction Show', a place where 250 businesses from the industry present themse
lves to about 7,000 park owners and managers from all over Europe. (http://www.eas-expo.org ). Now we're going to need every spare moment to get our plans SHARP. And we will - no doubt.

As you can see, we've tweaked the monkey a bit - to give him more of his own personality. We got 5 different caracters now.