Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I saw her dad smiling really big

One of the things that touches me is when young fathers enjoy watching their little daughters play! Maybe because my first born is a girl. Maybe because the whole Tjeko idea is born out of the frustration I felt of not being able to give her a place to play. Maybe because little girls just do something to big men!

I remember last summer watching this father really enjoy watching his daughter play! He was taken by the moment - you could just see it. All his manliness sort of melted. Not sure who he was - and I really didn't care. This are the moments that make me realize: there is a need for places like Tjeko. A place where you can build memories for a lifetime. I love doing that with my daughter. I love seeing other fathers do that with their daughters.
By the way - I also enjoy watching moms with their daughters, or dads with their sons... this moment was just about a dad loving to see his daughter play!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Summer 2012 - picture report part 2

a moment to rest

NSU (Navigators Utrecht) sponsored more than 75skippy balls last year.

Some points to learn: a clear place in the Fair for EVERYBODIES shoes

a Tjeko dance

view from the top

no fair without a ticketbooth

Summer 2012 - a picture report

Better be ready for some road action of a whole new generation

Never too young to learn

Best Tjeko we've had so far!

We also saw many kids that were not able to come in... maybe next year.

A colorful combination

Thursday, July 5, 2012

This summer 2012

With only weeks to go - the TFF 2012 is starting to get more shape than even before.

We invite you to follow us again - it will be a period of un-going CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES.

Looking forward to share all the fun!